
Onward Barcelona

Ok. So snowboarding wasn't soo much fun. My bum is bruised. I am definitely not a natural. But I got some really cool photos. Check them out...

After that I took a day off...ok, more like a week. I decided to head to another ciudad here in España. I took the AVE (Alta Velocidad Española), high velocity train, to Barcelona. The RENFE (Spanish railway system) will take you all over España very quickly. The AVE to Barcelone took 3hrs to travel 313 miles. It travels at up to 220 mph! It was great, but really hard to take photos.

I took a tour of some of Antoni Guadí's awesome and strange buildings. Gaudí is the most famous architect en España, but he only designed buildings in his beloved Barcelona He lived from 1852 to 1926.
Who do you think would be America's best or most well know architect?

First, I visited La Sagrada Familia. It is a catedral in progress. He died before completing it and so donations and tour fees are paying for the slow construction of this awesome building. Go here and check out some of its finer features.

Second stop was the Casa Batllo. This has to be the best. I mean check it...
Stained glass. Odd forms for windows. The building looks like it is oozing. This is an apartment building. Man, I want to live there.
Some more pics.

Third stop was Casa Vicens. This one is very different from his other buildings. What looks different to you??

Final stop on my tour...Park Guell. This was originally supposed to be a private garden. That didn't work out and the city took it over in 1923 for the public to view. There are cool architectural buildings and mosiac sculptures all over the park.

This is a series of archways. It was my favorite. Again looks all chunky and oozy.
Hope that you enjoyed the pictures. My next stop....will be a surprise.


  1. i think the best architect in america is artdeco because he was most influential and had very beautiful and popular designs and used bright and vibrant colors.
    the differance i see is very hard between the two buildings.. i actually cant find any difference except that maybe the colors. one looks lighter and one looks darker.

  2. the best architect in america to me is Frank Lloyd Wright because he was a leader of the prarie school movement of architecture. He had around 1000 projects with over 500 completed,also, his work included offices, churches, schools, skyscrapers, hotels, and museums. That was a lot of projects completed in his life time which is very impresive to me.

  3. i guess that is probably better than my answer but i have never heard of him though.hey if you read this i didnt want kayla and paige to ask you that. it was my personal secret and now everyone including you know about it. i really like you but you obviously dont like me. and i respect that! i didnt want to be pushy like they were! i just wanted you to know that i like you and you should really think about it cuz were both smart and sorta short! lol! please. just think about it!

  4. I think the best or well-known architect would be Thomas Andrews. He was the one who designed the Titantic. Even though the ship was destroyed, Thomas is still famous because he designed the longest, adn safest ocean liner in the world.
    The difference is to me, that the building you stopped last, the concrete is lighter
    than the others, but the way the boucany, and windows are designed and built the same way.


  5. I think that frank Lloyd Wright is the most famous architect in america, because had done a lot of projects but only over 500 of them were completed. Also he wroked including offices, skyscapers,churches, schools, and etc. And if you were to put your self into Frank Llyod's shoes....you would have been a busy busy person. Having that many projects done in a life time. WOW:)

  6. i forgot to anwser another question that u wanted to know.....the differnce between the two buldings would be the cement is darker than the other one but other than that everything looks the same to me...

  7. I think Thomas Andrews is the most famous person because the invinted and designed the titantic! I think this because the titanic is the biggest ship ever made.
    The differance between the two buildings would be the color because the rest looks the same!!
    ~Reyna :)

  8. I think the Myst Busters would be great architects. The third stop looks alot smaller than the others. Noberto

  9. I don't know who would be the best architects? Maybe the guy who built the titanic, what's his face. The third building looks smaller and the windows aren't that weird shape.
    -Ines! (:

  10. Haha thanks Yara the best or well-known arxhitect was Thomas Andrew. That's who I was thinking of but i didnt know hos name. (:
